SageLaw section on torture
News updates
A digest of various torture-related issues in the news.
Readings on torture
Torture as it is described in literature, history, and news analysis.
Documents on torture
Includes the Yoo/Bybee "torture memos," CIA Inspector General review and anti-torture statutes
John Yoo spars with colleagues
University of California, Berkeley law professor John Yoo, author of the so-called “torture memos” written for the Bush administration, defended his legal reasoning at recent forum at Chapman University.
Literary perspectives on language and torture
Former Vice President Dick Cheney’s ongoing public defense of “enhanced interrogation methods” bears ironic resemblance to two literary critiques of language and torture – to be found in Franz Kafka’s short story, “In the Penal Colony,” and George Orwell’s essay, “Politics and the English Language.”
Treating the enemy – from WWII to war on terror
Former German POWs reflect on their time in captivity in the U.S. during World War II.